Congratulations for matching, it has been a long journey indeed! Hard luck to those who didn't match, never give up, others did it and you can still do it. This post is intended to those who matched and waiting till July to come to start their residency.
Post match strategy |
Is it necessary to write a post match letter?
While it is not necessary for the most applicants, you must consider sending one if your future plans include one of these:
1- Applying for fellowships, especially in the same institution.
2- Plans to stay in the same city or state for future practice.
3- Plans to get a friend, spouse or other relative to the same residency program in the near future.
To whom should the letter be addressed?
When talking about a long term relationship with a certain program, the key players usually are the program director, chairman and program coordinator.
When and What to send?
Any time between April and June should be great. Don't write on a plain paper. Look professional. Write on a special card for such occasions. You can find example here: Thank You Cards
What to write on that card?
Dear (Program director or coordinator or Chairman):
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for trusting me for this position. Am looking forward to start my duties soon. Thanks again and hope to see you in the near future.
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